I found this picture on my mom's computer. I know that Dayne is 2 years old now, but this is the day that made my husband a father. To watch daily the special bond between my son and my husband is truly priceless. He is the best dad and I am so lucky to have him. He gave me Dayne and soon our new son. I know being a mother is the most awesome feeling but watching my son and my husband is even better. Happy Father's Day to all of you father's out there!
Well there is a lot to say- but the most important description is I am a MOM, a WIFE, a Christian, a nurse, and a striving to be organized person. Jason and I have now been married 7 years and have 2 wonderful blessings- Dayne and Tallan. The saying I put on the top of the blog is so true, it may be a crazy life but it is our life (and yes I know they say that on Jon&Kate+8)
Enjoy our blog- my version of a scrapbook!!!
I love pics of dad's holding thier newborn...they are so proud! And the smile is universal!!
I can't wait to see this again, I am so excited to finally meet Tallan, Dayne will no longer be able to say Baby Gone... I love you guys
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